Friday, February 14, 2020

Apple Store Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Apple Store - Research Paper Example The Pasadena Apple store has a variety of products and services. The store has a variety of products and services that meets all age groups and both male and female customers. The store deals in hardware products like iPod touch, iPhone, Apple Cinema Displays, Apple TV, Mac Pro, Mac Mini and Airport Cards (Carlton 165). They have a variety of Apple accessories like mice and wireless keyboards. They have up to date online services termed as Apple Store online. Customers can configure their phones for fast and efficient services. The store has products like computers, which has faster and larger hard drives than any other computer store. The store has simplified inventory that provide instant availability of information on the products and services (Jeffreys 254). The store provides its customers with Apple software that include IWork and ILife applications bundles, Mac OS X, Shake, DVD Pro Studio and miscellaneous software titles. The store has games, quality printers, memory upgrade software, scanners and digital cameras. The store has up to date brands like Mac OS X and Mac Book. Apple Inc has designed this store to suit customer’s needs (Jeffreys 252). The store provides Mac Book brands that meet the customers’ requirements. The store is in line with the California’s regulatory authority. The store has product licenses that are verified by the local authority and the Apple Inc to provide efficient services to their customers (Terry 4B). The retail shop has evolved from just being a computer company to a true consumer brand. The company initially had Mac Book computer line, however, after the expansion; the retail shop added the Iphone and IPod (Lewis 121). This has made the retail shop be ranked one of the best in California. The overall interest of the quantity and product assortment of the retail has improved over the years. The retail shop is producing a variety of products meeting their

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